TV assessment LR

TV assessment LR

1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).


2) Read the whole mark scheme for this assessment carefully. Identify at least one potential point that you missed out on for each question in the assessment (even if you got full marks for the question).
  • Q1-- The poster arguably provides a good example of pastiche: media products that imitate the style of another text, artist or time period. Although an argument can be made that Kingsman: The Secret Service is a parody (there are definitely suggestions of comedy) the poster as a whole asks to be taken seriously. In a parody, audiences would likely expect a tagline that confirms the comic nature of the film. The only text appearing here is: ‘From the director of X Men: First Class’ which would suggest the film is trying to attract an audience looking for serious, action/superhero-based entertainment.
  • Q2-- The postmodern visual aesthetic which draws on pastiche, use of exaggerated popular culture references and stylized mise en scene, may undermine the claims to realism and ideological reading.
3) The first question demanded a response using postmodern terminology. Write a definition here of the three main terms:
  • Bricolage: juxtaposition of old and new tests and narratives to create new meanings
  • Pastiche: refers to media products that imitate the style of another media text, but in a respectful manner
  • Intertextuality: when a media product references another media product
4) Read this exemplar answer for the 25-mark question in the assessment. Select a quote from the essay for each of the following aspects from the mark scheme:

a) analysis of the products that focuses on contexts and ideological positioning

  • Institutions of state are also represented negatively – particularly evident in the narrative around asylum and detention, where alignment with character creates ideological positioning.
  • The focus on real historical events raises questions about how these events can be represented to create an ideological position.
b) use of media theory

  •  The narrative relies on a highly constructed enigma of the detective narrative providing audience pleasure but complicating the concept of realism. (Barthes enigma codes)

c) a judgement or conclusion on the question
  • The narrative relies on a highly constructed enigma of the detective narrative providing audience pleasure but complicating the concept of realism.
  •  The narrative is constructed from the viewpoint of the Stasi, positioning the American attack as the threat.

d) examples from the TV CSPs

  •  Focus is on a diverse range of characters across race, class, ethnicity, family structure, etc representing this as a positive aspect of contemporary life. (Kamal family, Petunia, Quentina)
  • Representations of the Stasi include their role in detentions and murder but the alignment of the audience with Lenora and Martin counters this.

e) use of media terminology 

  •  The narrative relies on a highly constructed enigma of the detective narrative providing audience pleasure but complicating the concept of realism.
  •  The postmodern visual aesthetic which draws on pastiche, use of exaggerated popular culture references and stylized mise en scene, may undermine the claims to realism and ideological reading.

5) Based on this assessment, write three things you need to revise before the upcoming end of Year 12 exams.
  • I definitely need to revise the economical, political, social, cultural and historical contexts for D83 and Capital
  • I need to practise how to apply media terminology to unseen media products and how they


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