Editing: blog task

Editing: blog task

Use as much media language as you can - and remember to highlight it. Try and use the key words we've learned for editing if possible. You can also use any other aspects of film language that we have studied in your analysis - just like the in-class clips where we discuss how editing combines with cinematography, sound or mise-en-scene.

Kim Young Dae and Han Ji Hyun have a huge fight [The Penthouse 3 Ep 2]

This scene is from a Korean drama called Penthouse, and I have chosen the scene where the twin siblings are arguing. We are first introduced to a wide shot of the dining room before straight into an over the shoulder shot of the girl talking to her brother. This scene is set in the dining room of the house in the penthouse. The siblings (twins) are both wearing school uniforms, indicating they are students and are getting prepared before going to school in the morning. In this scene, it shows the twins having a dispute, which gets physical near the end of the scene. In the background we can also see 3 women in the kitchen wearing maid uniforms, which shows they work for the family. We can tell that the family is very rich as they have people working for them, and also how everything is laid out in a neat, formal manner. There are uses of the props of the house decor, which looks very elegant, and the cutlery and plates filled with a variety of food on the table. Both high and low angles between shots are used to empathise with how Seok Hoon is in power fighting against his sister, who is weaker and clearly in the wrong. A match on action is used when she turns her head to look as her brother walks towards her. Multiple over the shoulder shots are used during conversation to display the facial expressions of the two siblings fighting. Very subtle makeup is used on the characters. Seok Kyung has light makeup such as eyeliner and a reddish pink lip tint. This makes her appear very feminine, and the audience may assume that she is polite and innocent as she’s from a wealthy family however the audience would be surprised for her to behave in an ill mannered way towards her mother. The pace is slow and builds up towards the end to show tension and anger between the twins. The facial expressions show annoyance, disrespect and especially anger. The visible tears in the characters' eyes shows the audience that they are deeply affected by the ongoing problems in the family. The body language when she pushes her mother to the ground and grabs her brother by the collar was seen as violent due to her frustration after getting slapped by her brother. There is both diegetic and non diegetic sound. The dialogue spoken (the arguing between everyone)is the diegetic sound and the soft piano background sound is the non-diegetic sound. While the characters are arguing, there is a soft piano sound in the background, which is contrapuntal to the scene. A classical background sound is used in a tense scene like this is for the audience to show empathy for the individual in the scene. The audience may have mixed emotions towards the 3 characters in the scene as there seems to be a misunderstanding between them (the girl accusing mother for not letting her go to university however the mother thinks she's mistaken). We are seeing the mother from a low angle (as she's sitting down) making the daughter look more powerful against her. Seok Kyung shows a lot of disrespect towards her mother, which shows her character to be very arrogant and stubborn, so the audience may not feel sympathy towards her at all. There's a lot of filler lights as they are inside with high key lighting. The high key lighting reduces the shadows in the scene and it lightens the atmosphere. Usually, high key lighting is supposed to make the audience feel cheerful as the scene is brightly lit up which often suggests an upbeat mood and positive message. It is juxtaposed in this scene, which makes the audience feel very uneasy as the scene is very tense and the characters are speaking to one another in an aggressive tone. In addition, top lighting and back lighting is used to glamour the cast. At the end of the scene the two stop fighting and blame the mother for their falling out with each other. 


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