Editing video planning

 Editing video planning

1) Discuss what your preliminary exercise will involve – make notes on your blog  post of location, sequence of events, casting etc.

Location: Classroom

Casting:  Ishmeet-Evil Aunty 1

                Anas- Evil Aunty 2

                Khaterah- Girl who previously got pushed down the stairs

Events: - Gossip over tea

2) Write a short script for the preliminary exercise. Remember, scripts outline movement and shots as well as dialogue. The BBC Writer's Room is a brilliant resource for tips and examples of TV script writing. Here's a genuine TV script example from Luther to check you are formatting your script correctly.


Ishmeet enters the room, she sits down.
Both her and Anas pull out their tea from tea from their bags.

                               Aunty Ishmeet lovely to see you!

Anas gives a dirty look.

                                                  ANAS( INTERVIEW)
                              You know she threw her daughter down the stairs tut tut.

                               Hi nice to see you.
Ishmeet grits her teeth.

                                                  ISHMEET( INTERVIEW)
                                I don't really like her, you know her daughter talks to boys I saw
                                them last night they-

She gets cut off.

                                I hear your daughter had a tragic accident.
                               Oh you know how kids are these days they're always on their

                               Oh who are we to judge.

Their voices fade.
Multiple sots of them gossiping.
Both aunties look at Khaterah entering the room in shock.


3) Write a shot list of every possible shot (and a few extra) you will need for this preliminary exercise. An example shot list is here.
  • Establishing shot of Ishmeet's back.
  • Low angle of Ishmeet entering.
  • Long shot of her entering.
  • Medium shot of her walking past the camera.
  • Close up of her sitting down.
  • Medium shot of Ishmeet and Anas pulling out props.
  • Over the shoulder shot of Anas.
  • Medium shot of Anas.
  • High angle of Khaterah falling down the stairs.
  • Over the shoulder shot of Ishmeet.
  • Over the shoulder.
  • Over the shoulder.
  • Over the shoulder.
  • Long shot.
  • Close up
  • Low angle.
  • High angle.
  • Tilt.
  • Medium shot.
  • Medium shot of Ishmeet.


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