Lighting blog tasks

 Lighting blog tasks

1) Still image analysis

Look at the still images on slides 33-37 of the Film Language Powerpoint linked above. Copy the images into your blog and answer the following questions for each image:

  1. Identify examples of high and low-key lighting.
  2. Say which depict topback or under lighting.
  3. What effects are created by the lighting in each image?     
E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\18631_Bladerunner-3.jpg
This is an image that shows a woman smoking a cigarette. Smoke indicates suspense and links to the noir theme. The lighting used in this image is low key lighting. This lighting creates a strong contrast of the light and dark and creates the strong shadow behind her. The lighting is very dark and the location of where she is sitting is not revealed, suggesting mystery. Top and back lighting is used to reveal the characters face, almost discovering her identity, however the smoke covers majority of the picture which could imply that she is mysterious.
E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\Annex%20-%20Dietrich,%20Marlene%20(Shanghai%20Express)_03.jpg
This is an image of a woman looking in an upward direction. Low key lighting is used to emphasise on the dramatic, harsh shadows that surround the woman, giving an element of mystery. Top lighting is used to only reveal the woman's face and her fingers, and the rest is complete darkness. This creates an enigma to why the woman is in that position, as if she's trying to escape the darkness. Soft lighting is also used as the dark, black lighting that reflects on her face smooths out, making her look desirable.

E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\macbeth_rgb.jpg
In this image, there is a man with stern facial expressions. The light surrounding him is high key lighting as there are no harsh shadows in the background and it looks realistic. Low key lighting is also used but on his face, as we could see harsh shadows on his under eyes, making him look very scary and serious looking. Back lighting and top lighting is used to show his costume and reveal his character.

E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\Sin_City_005.jpg_cmyk.jpg
This image shows a man with serious facial expressions standing in the rain. The camera is placed at a low angle to portray the man as superior and scary. Low key lighting is used. Back lighting is used to show his costume and adds effect to the image. We can maybe infer that he is a policeman because of the badge and he is holding a gun. Top lighting is used to reveal the man's face and his facial expressions. 

E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\Psycho_1.jpg
This image shows a woman that has very frightened facial expressions as if she has seen something terrifying. High key lighting is used as there is a contrast between the light and shadows. We can also say that low key lighting is used in the background as it creates harsh shadows.

E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\18631_Bladerunner-4.jpg
In this image, there is a couple kissing each other. High key lighting, and a bit of back lighting from the shadows coming through the windows. We can add that a bit on natural and ambient lighting is use to create romance between the couple.

E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\clockwork1.jpg
In this image we can see four people standing. Low key lighting is used as dramatic shadows are created from the four people. Back lighting is used to reveal the 4 people's silhouettes, but we cannot see their face, creating an enigma.
E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\chienandolou1_cmyk.jpg
In this image, it shows a woman with quite frightened and confused facial expressions. The light that reflects directly on her face can maybe tell us that she has been found from hiding somewhere. Low key lighting is used as there is a strong contrast of dark and light and creates a dramatic shadow of the woman on the wall behind her.

E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\Joanofarc1.jpg
In this image, a woman has her hands together, almost like shes praying. High key lighting is used to make the scene look realistic. Top lighting, soft lighting and filler lighting is used to emphasise her spiritual connection with God.
E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\H_003_rgb.jpg
This image shows a man standing at the door, maybe going down to a dark basement, linking with mystery and suspense. Low key lighting is used to show the harsh shadows behind the man and the strong contrast of the lines of light with he dark atmosphere. Back lighting is used to reveal where the man is standing and shows the darkness that he is going to walk into. This can symbolise horror.

E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\double.jpg
This is an image of a couple holding each other. High key lighting is used to make the scene more realistic, the contrast between dark and light are much less pronounced and light shadows are produced in the background. Soft shadows are used to emphasise the gentle love between the couple. Under lighting is used to show the two characters facial expressions and this creates a soft, romantic mood. 

2) Film noir research 

Research film noir - focusing on the genre’s distinctive lighting style. Make notes on the genre and particularly the use of lighting - bullet points are fine.

- Film noir is an American movie style, which dates back to the 1940s and 1950s, is characterised by gloomy lighting, shady settings, tragic tones, and detective protagonists. 
- Film noir means black film or dark film.
- The most important element of film noir mood is light
- Mostly, the use of low-key lighting to create extreme silhouettes and dark, harsh shadows. 
- Film noir directors use vivid light-and-shade contrasts to reveal more about a character’s true intentions than their words.
- Low key lighting increases a scene's or movie's sense of mystery.

3) Film noir YouTube clip analysis 

Finally, find a YouTube clip that fits the film noir genre and embed it under your research (the clip can be classic noir from the 1950s or something more recent - neo-noir). How does the clip's lighting fit the film noir genre? 

This is a clip from Pretty Little Liars (neo-noir). The clip's lighting fits well with the film noir genre as it was black and white. Low key lighting was used as strong contrasts of the dark and light were used throughout the whole clip and dramatic shadows were created in the background. Alison (the woman that disappeared at the end) says that it's smart to disappear and she leaves at the end, and there is no trace of where she went. This creates suspense and mystery and leaves the audience to question what will happen next. When the two characters were speaking, back lighting and top lighting is used. Back lighting adds the highlight of the two main characters as they're the main focus. Top lighting also shows that the two characters are the main focus. Top lighting creates a silhouette and makes Alison come across as powerful and evil as she doesn't help Spencer (first woman in the scene).


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