Cinematography video feedback and learner response

 Cinematography video feedback and learner response

1) Type up your feedback/comments from your teacher.

  • Fantastic production- so enjoyable!
  • Excellent range of shots and camera movements
  • Sound use is very good here (editing too- slow motion, Btw)
  • Labels pretty much spot on too- a great production all round.

2) Type up your feedback from fellow students.

  • editing was done really nicely
  • good hit with the bag (action in the scene)
  • good camera work
  • great acting
  • nice music selection
  • loved the music
  • really nice camera movement
  • nice establishing shot 
  • good setting of the scene
  • music changes as soon as the extreme closeup of her hand shaking- adds tension to the confrontation.
  • accurate shots and labels for angles
  • nice use of different audios at various different scenes

  • falling on one side of the stairs and position changed in another clip
  • very loud music
  • could have included more high/ low angle shots

3) Now reflect on your work and write your own summary of the comments and feedback you have received. Write three WWWs and three EBIs.

  • the group i worked with did good acting to produce what we planned out .
  • I used dramatic music to add effect and tension to the scenes.
  • I used various camera angles and shots to show my understanding of cinematography.
  • I should have lowered the sound for the dramatic music and add small sound effects e.g. when Khaterah got hit with the bag, falling down the stairs, and when Anas drops the glass.
  • I could have recorded some handheld camera shots to add more effect to the video as I used a tripod to support the camera, so the camera was on there throughout the time we filmed all the scenes.
  • I could have also used a panning shot for the establishing shot to show more of the setting.
4) Learner response: think about what you learned about cinematography making the video and also watching others. What will you do differently when you start the coursework in the summer? What tips or tricks have you learned from others that you can use next time? Are there any specific aspects of camerawork that you need to revise or practice?

I have learnt that cinematography can play a big part in TV and making videos as it sets up an overall look and mood of the film's narrative. Cinematography is important as it can change the audience's perspective depending on how the camera focuses on a subject and can include mise en scene and other elements (lighting). From watching my classmates productions for cinematography, I have learned that cinematography can really change on how the audience views it; as people were working in groups and had the same characters and story line, the way it was filmed and edited after, changed the production overall. For my coursework, I will try to use a variety of camera shots and angles efficiently to engage with the audience. Some specific aspects that I need to practise is editing in transitions and effects when editing my videos.


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