Film Poster Analysis

Blade Runner is a 1982 science fiction and action film. In this film poster, a variety of dark colours are used, along with some bright colours that contrast along with it. One colour that is used the most in this poster is black. Knowing that this is an action sci-fi movie, we can see that black may connote darkness, mystery, power and evil. As this is a sci-fi movie, we can link that the 'violent androids' are powerful and are taking over humanity. The darkness may link to this movie being a dark sci-fi film. In this poster, there is a man holding a gun, implying that this film is about a mission and violence, which links to the film genre, action. We can also tell by his serious facial expressions that he is in the middle of a mission. There is a man holding a cigarette, indicating that he has a sense of ego in him and looks really serious. Just by looking at the poster, we can see that they are rocketsindicating this is a movie linked to science. We can also see that they are bright colours that shine in the darkness, such as colours red, yellow and orange. We may imply that these bright colours are a warning and is linked to danger, as this links to the theme of the movie. The name of the movie 'Blade Runners' is written in a red font, connoting danger, violence, war. The colour red was used to capture the audience's attention; bold font was also used to make it stand out. There is a line across Blade Runners, almost like a blade has cut through it, suggesting it relates to brutality and to make it look realistic. The target audience for this movie should be ages 15-60+. The movie is rated 15+. In my opinion, I started the age range at 15 years old as some teenagers may have an interest in technology and science, and this movie links to the danger artificial intelligence (the androids), so this can be an entertaining movie for teens aged 15 but also showing the dangers of AI, making it knowledgeable. However, some teens may not watch this movie as this is an old movie, however this movie can be targeted to teenagers who have an interest in sci-fi and action movies. I ended the age range at 60 (and above), because this is an old movie and the elderly may be interested in watching this too. The elderly may be interested in watching this film because the main character, Harrison Ford has also played in many old movies, making them intrigued into watching this.

Scary Movie 2 is a 2001 horror/comedy film. This movie is about 4 teenagers, convinced by a professor to live in a haunted house, and they start to encounter strange things so they decide to get rid of the ghost. In this film poster, there are seven characters shown. Two of them looks weird looking, suggesting that they are portrayed as the ghost or a weird creature in the movie. The man in the middle looks scared and the two ladies sitting next to him looked shocked. On their t-shirts there are text written on them such as, 'I love dead people' and 'what lies beneath'. The saying 'I love dead people' is almost showing sarcasm and irony (linking to the comedy aspect of the movie) as the movie is based on ghosts and the horror theme, and the character is supposed to feel scared. The background colours are dark (navy blue and black) which matches the theme of the movie. These dark colours give off a spooky vibe. At the top of the film poster, it looks like there's a door or window opened with a bright white light shining through it. Although white can resemble peace, in this context, the colour white can represent spirits, spookiness and death. There are also white spiderwebs around the characters, and this may apply that they are trapped in the haunted house. There is a cat sitting on one of the women. A black cat is specifically used to associate witches, bad luck and even death. As many of the audience know about this superstition of a black cat, they may question what will happen in the movie. The movie name is written in a big, bold font coloured red. Red symbolises death, danger and blood, implying the danger the characters may be in when they are trapped in the haunted house. Instead of writing the 'O' in the 'Movie', they coloured it white and added a drawing of a monster. This looks like a child's drawing of the monster, linking to the comedy theme. The movie can be watched for 18 year old and older. The target audience for this movie would be 15-40+. I started the age range at 15 because some teenagers may enjoy watching horror as well as comedy and it can be entertaining. Even though you should be 18+ to watch the movie, in my opinion it wouldn't be that scary to younger viewers (15+) as it has a comedy aspect to the movie, making it scary but funny as well. At the top centre of the film poster, it says 'Absolutely Hilarious'; another feature that suggests it is funny, so it would be suitable for teenagers. I ended the age range at 40 as some elderly may not enjoy watching these horror comedy genres, whereas young adults would be more intrigued to watch it.

Uzak is a 2002 Turkish drama film. This movie is about a man losing his job, and leaves his town to find another job. He has little luck in finding a job, and he and his cousin clash their differences. Just by looking at this film poster, it looks like the man has no hope, and he is helpless. The background looks very dull and looks like an industry area, due to the factories smoke. The atmosphere looks really dull and gives a boring vibe to the audience. The greyish, white and black colours gives a gloomy, depressing and desolate feeling and we can see that the man is unbothered. The word 'Uzak' is a Turkish word that means distant. This movie shows the loneliness and depression of the man. In the poster, the man is looking away, as if he's pondering about what to do in his life, and this could make the audience reflect on their life as well. There is snow on the ground and above is black/grey clouds. These two colours contrast and associate with life and death rituals. As this movie shows the man's emotional problems this can maybe suggest his struggle between life and death and what decisions to make next. The movie title is written in a big, bold red font, with blue text in the shadow. Blue can be seen as calming but depressing, and red is seen as vivid, powerful and eye-catching (the audience can read this clearly). These two colours are the complete opposite of each other, however this can imply that power of his mind taking over, and the blue shadow can indicate his depression slowly going away as he he may start to overcome it. The target audience would be 20-40+. I started the age range at 20 because young adults may want to watch this due to problems of mental health and it can also help them reflect. Younger viewers would maybe find this boring and wouldn't watch this as this is in another language, however some teenagers may watch it (secondary audience would be teenagers 13-19). 

This movie is a 2003 Italian crime, mystery, thriller movie. This story is set during a political violence in 1970 associating with kidnapping and terrorism, and tells a story of a nine year old boy who discovers a crime that was committed by the whole southern town in Italy. In the film poster, we can see that there is a boy (main character) looking down into a dug up hole, a type of dug up hole where dead bodies are put in. This can indicate that the boy has found a dead body in this hole. His facial expression is vague, meaning he is shocked suggesting that he doesn't know how to react when seeing a dead body. As the hole gets deeper the colour is more dark (black) indicating the upcoming darkness in the movie and the mystery it holds; linking with the thriller and mystery theme. Also, the sky blue colour represents mystery and depth. This may want the audience to think about if there really is a dead body in the hole, or maybe wonder if the boy had something to do with it. This makes theme more intrigued to find out and will make them watch the movie to know what happens next. The movie title is written in bold and capital letters, coloured in white and yellow. Although yellow may be a bright and happy colour, it also has a negative side to it too. Yellow can also symbolise caution, madness, egotism and betrayal. The bits of white included represent the boy's innocence. This perfectly matches with the story line as the people in Italy have betrayed and somehow included in this madness, and the boy is clueless. The target audience for this film could be starting at age 15 to 40. The age rate for this movie starts at 15. I think it is suitable for 15 year old to watch because they may be interested with this mystery and crime genre. Adults would also watch this if they have an interest in mystery movies. The secondary audience could be elderly people as some of them like watching mystery.

This movie is a 2005 action, crime, noir film. This movie is about an investigation at a gloomy city called Basin City, and three of its citizens are all involved in violent corruption. In this image we can see five characters. Three of the characters are holding guns, indicating this movie is filled with violence and action. Their facial expressions look focused and serious as if they are trying to shoot something, also suggesting that the movie has violence in it. The lighting is bright and is focused on all the characters. The colours used in this poster are neutral colours such as black, white and grey. These colours are dull and vague colours, and they may associate with death and mystery. The movie title is written in a bold, big red colour, to show the danger, bloodshed and violence; represents the crime genre. The target audience for this film would be ages 18-30. I chose this age range as the movie age rating starts at 18 as it portrays violence. 30 year old adults would be interested in watching this due to the action and noir genre.

This movie is a 2006 action and adventure movie. The story line might be about pirate adventures. This image shows three characters from the movie. One of them is a pirate, holding a gun, indicating that there might be some violence and some type of action involved in this movie; relating to the genre action. The lighting in this poster is dark indicating mystery and spookiness. The pirate may appear to be a villain based on the skull, which is a sign of death, and the pirate has a distinctive appearance in comparison to the other characters in the poster. The white, thick fog in the middle suggests trouble, worries and low awareness to reality. This links to the film poster as the stereotypical view of pirates is trouble and fighting and stealing money from chests. The people would worry if they would would get robbed from the pirates. The target audience should be ages 12-30. I started the age range at 12 because pirates are childish so it would be suitable for younger age children. Although pirates may be childish and age rated 13, adults may find it entertaining to watch. 

This movie is a 2004 romance/musical film. In this film poster, there is a picture of two people, which may appear to be the main characters in the movie, and we can infer that these two characters are in a relationship. The movie title 'Bride and Prejudice' is coloured in gold, symbolising wealth. This links in nicely with the story line as there are wealthy men shown in the movie and is about someone looking for marriage. In the film poster, there is a man from a White background and a woman that looks like she's from an Asian background. The word prejudice is used in the movie name and this defines an unfair feeling of dislike for a person because of their race. In the image, we can also see that the two races are divided by the two main characters in the picture. We could imply that there could be some sort of racism or problems between races involved. Stereo typically Asians are supposed to marry Asians however this movie could show an interracial marriage and can promote unity between races/cultures. The target audience could be ages 12-50+. I started the age range at 12 as when young children start developing into teenagers, they start to interact with other races and communicate with them properly. This movie could potentially show them that it is okay to be with other races and prejudice is strongly not accepted. I ended the age range at 50 and above (adults over 50 can also watch) as they may find this movie amusing and enjoyable.

E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\503577.jpg

This movie is a 2004 drama/sport film. We could may suggest that this movie could be an action movie due to the serious facial expressions. In this film poster, there are 3 main characters. The lighting is very dark and it can imply some mystery or some type of downfall in the movie. The story line might be about an independent woman being trained for fights and competing against others. The target audience could be 12-50+. I started the age range from 12 years old because it may inspire younger teenagers to participate in sports. In the film poster, the main character is a woman, so this could potentially inspire young girls to also play sports. I ended the age range at 50 as adults may also enjoy this genre and interesting.


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