Print brief research and planning
Print brief research and planning 1) Find at least five music magazine front covers (either current or former magazines as many have stopped their print editions) aimed at a similar target audience to your project (mainstream music audience) and research music magazine key conventions. For each one, pick out one design idea, convention or image/text style that you could use in your own print work.-- breeze I would choose a bold, contrasting color for the main headline text. layer it so that it overlaps slightly with the main image (while keeping the subject’s face or key details visible). I will use a readable font that stands out from the background. This will help guide the reader’s eye to the most important element, either the featured person or topic, and gives the cover a modern, dynamic look. centre the model in the middle so it can be the audience’s main focus full body shot- may be considered for main centre image? minimal texts on each side of the model bold colo...